Garage Door Maintenance

Garage Door Maintenance
Extend the life of your garage door through our regular maintenance plans.
Regular garage door maintenance ensures the ongoing safety of your door and can extend the life of all door parts. BT1 Garage Door Company offers garage door maintenance visit and safety checks to make sure your door system will operate efficiently year round. Our maintenance rates are competitive and our goal is your complete satisfaction.
What Our Clients Say About Us

BT1 Garage Door Is Your True Local Experts
Our Maintenance Plan Visits Include
Look for signs of wear and tear
Adjust and tighten loose bolts
Lubricate all garage parts including rollers, bearings, hinges, and springs
Perform safety inspection
Reprogram openers and keypads
Check quality of weatherstripping, and more!

We Honor Manufacturer Warranties
BT1 Garage Door Company is a full-service garage door company that honors and services all of the manufacturer warranties offered on all of the products we sell. We guarantee all service and repairs.